Monday, November 15, 2010

Again~~ Exams!!

In few hours later, i will be facing my major horror- Exams

Exams, exams and exams.. "Why do we need exams?"

I strongly believe that most students have this question on their mind- Why do we need exams?? Well, for me, It is to prove to the world that you are less stupid or cleverer than someone else. Parents often have high expectation on their children. But have they ever thought of the capability of their own child?? They are always pushing and stressing their kids to get flying colors in their exams.. But have they ever thought of how stressful will they children be?? NO!! In this world, less and less parents will really care about what their children are really interested in and what is their children limitation. They will just keep on pushing their kid and one day, their kid may just fall off the cliff~~  There are a lot of students' suicidal case that is happened due to the exam's stress. Why do they have stress?? Isn't it because they don't want to let their parents down?? I know, parents did all this is  for their children benefit. But parents, ask this question among yourselves: Did you ever compare your kid's result with others?? Did you ever put pressure on your kid because of that?? Why don't you let your kid to be themselves??

Secondly, parents are too protective to their children. Don't you think they need some space on their own? They are still young, why don't you let them be what they like to be? Some teenagers love music, some teenagers love art but their parents will think that these activities are a waste of time. Children often questioned themselves, why don't their parents understand them?? Shouldn't parents be the best supporter in their kids' life??

Well just, wish me luck in my exams!! Phew~~