Monday, March 29, 2010

Big surprise for me today!!!

A cat in my hostel has give birth to 4 really cute kittens!! 3 white and one black!! OMG... They are so cute!!
There are few photos that i have taken.... Trust me, they are really really cute!!

                                 The pregnant mommy cat~~

Cute little babies~~ Btw, the chocolate thing beside the kitten is not there poo poo... It is BISCUIT for mommy cat~~ Gonna give her a name... LOL

My Dear Cousin- Suzzane's Ong bday~~

It has been a long time since my cousin- Suzzane Ong's bday~~But i still want to spread this happiness wide~~
That night, we gathered at our friends house planning to give her a supprising but memorable bday party. But unluckily, she discovered the mystery plan which make it not much supprising to her.

Thank you.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Daily life (1)

Boring day, boring weekend and boring life... Wanted adventure and something new for long time.. But never been granted..

* Done some shopping in DPS this afternoon.. Found out that nothing is new.. Depressed me a lot!!
* Ate my dinner in a restaurant.. No special menu.. Same old food... Depressed too!!
* Continue shopping in Bintang Mall after dinner... Nothing interest me... Feeling depressed too!!
* Smoke is all around in Miri.. Air pollution... Depressed~~~

(1) The sunset in Miri is as beautiful as usual..
(2) Friends are always there for me when I'm depressed..
(3) Parents are always concern about me..
(4) The last but not least, I AM HAVING A GREAT LIFE!!!

Be grateful for everything you possess... Don't let yourself regret when its too late~~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just a thought~~

"If you had an hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would it be to, what would you say…and why are you waiting?". This came from a famous author named Stephen Levine and this has been my favorite quotation. This quotation has kept me questioning myself about the truly meaning of my life.. and what is the most precious thing to me? Is it parents? Lovers? Friends? or even money? Each of these means different to everyone. When i questioned it to my dearest friends, some told me that experiences and time can show me the answer in the future, and some told me not to be bothered, just to have a easy and happy lives.. If it's yours to think, who would it be?? Who would you call?? and what would you say??

First time blogging~~

Hey... This is my first time blogging using blogger... quite a new experience for me~~
Gonna check whether there is anything interest me here~~~

NOW I'd really wish that i can express my feelings here~~

It's late at night here, and i am alone in my room... feeling quite creepy and lonely~~
All my roommates had gone back for holidays and just me to spend the weekend alone!!
I suddenly figured how it's like to be alone and nothing to do except for just watchning the time flies and the clock ticks~~
AND now, Suddenly, i have a strong feeling that i really missed my roommate damn lots!!

I think what i can do now is switching off the light and head to bed.. Dreaming that my roommates will be back by tomorrow and everything is back to usual again(which is not going to happen). LOL..
Wow.. it is a relieve for me to write all my depress feelings here... THANKS TO BLOGGER!!

AND that's all i need to say for today~~ Tata... Chao